Monday, December 30, 2019

Cultural Diversity In The Canadian Workplace - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1781 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/08/16 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Diversity In The Workplace Essay Did you like this example? Organizations are becoming more diverse and one important aspect is culture, one important reason for this multicultural environment is that more companies are augmenting their operations world wide and an important consequence of this is the immigration process. In 2016 according to the Permanent Residents Data (IRCC, 2017) Canada receives population from over 200 countries around the world, in consequence the multiculturalism in Canada has occurred due to the huge amount of immigrants coming to the country every year creating an increase in innovation and culture of inclusion, due to this multiculturality, Canada is becoming a stronger country. Nevertheless the incrementation in cultural diversity poses not only a positive impact in your company but also represents that the management team should be able to develop new strategies to manage the diverse workforce and here in Canada there are still inequity disadvantages that hasnt prevent every kind of discrimination, to impr ove this we need to know the legislation around diversity, examples of companies in the country that provide us with experience in order to make new human resources initiatives.. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Cultural Diversity In The Canadian Workplace" essay for you Create order Diversity is defined by the dissimilarities existing between individuals in any possible characteristic than can show to our own perception that another person is different from us. There are two main areas in which diversity is divided, the first one is the surface level of diversity that are characteristics that are seen in our physical features like age, gender, race and ethnicity, or visible features like physical handicap or weigh problems (anorexia or obesity) and the second area is the deep level diversity that reflects characteristics that can not be immediately seen by the bare eye like personalities, beliefs, attitudes, values, sexual orientation and religion. (Roberge, 2010). Another diversity differences in the workplace are profession, occupation, vocation and expertise. Diversity in the workplace should involve equal rights and favorable circumstances to grow in any company, management should develop strategies for people of marginalized groups to perform and contribute at the same time as people of not marginalized groups, and create equal opportunities at the different levels of the organization. Discrimination is when someone acts in a perjudicial way towards other people based on the differences that characterized that person or a group. Ethical and Legal dimensions surrounding diversity According to Dressler, Chhinzer and Cole (2014) legislation protecting the general population are human rights that in the Canada Constitution Act appeared in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the human right legislation. The Charter gives the following rights and freedoms to every Canadian, that are important to know to later provide a hole background for the legislation in the workplace, the first one is freedom on conscience and religion, the second one is freedom of thought that includes belief and opinion, the third one is freedom of   peaceful assembly and the last one is freedom of association. The Charter also talks about the equality rights that provides equal protection against discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability. On the other had we also have the human rights legislation, that must be wide known by CEOs and managers so they are aware of their legal obligations and responsibilities dependi ng on their jurisdiction, but something that does not change in any province is the prohibition of discrimination against all Canadians in the same range as mentioned before and also against discrimination based on sexual orientation and family status. Employers are allowed to discriminate if the job characteristics are based on a bona fide occupational requirement (BFOR) that is based the business necessities, for example, to be safe and efficient operation of the organization like if you are blind you can not apply to be an airplane pilot, two Canadian examples where they have apply BFOR is Roman Catholic schools, that their teachers to believe in the Roman Catholic Church for more adherence to the beliefs and culture of the institution and the second example is that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police asked for BFOR for the guards to be the same sex as the prisoners being guarded (Dressler, Chhinzer and Cole, 2014). However enforcement of the human rights is the responsibility of every province in Canada, but there are employers obligations that should be followed in every jurisdiction, the first one is that every company should have an anti discrimination/anti harassment policies, a safe way to complaint on this issues and training for employees to prevent this events, the second one is to have investigation and consequences after the complaints and the third ones is resolving the complaint. After this they have stipulated two solutions if discrimination is found the first one is called Systemic Remedies that involves improve the policies of the company, the complaint should be followed by legislation and prevention of future events by training the employee involved with training. The second solution is called Restitutional Remedies that involves monetary compensation for the complainant and a letter of apology. Examples of Organizations are successful with diversity or controversy example To illustrate the problem discrimination based on race, ethnicity and colour is illegal in all provinces in Canada as said before but not so long ago the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal found out that to companies of construction had discriminated latin american workers because they were treated differently as the european employees because they were paid less for the same job, the significant low wages difference make the tribunal retribute the workers with $100,000 each. Programs and initiatives of HR to manage cultural diversity in workplace Cultural diversity management is very crucial for advantages and cut-throat competitions.   Researchers have been creating relationship among culture and behaviour for almost a century. However, complex culture diversity is still existing in these days.Culture diversity issue will be seen in the upcoming years if management would not overcome religious and cultural differences. Human Resource Administration and cross culture analysts such as Hofstede, Laurent and Schneider have endeavored both significance and impacts of culture in perspective of human resource methods and to characterize culture. It is broadly recognized that there is absence of hypothetical meticulousness and effects of social issues in the areas of Human Resource Management for example recruitment, hierarchical socialization and beneficial trainings. In late 1980s and the early 1990s, the human resource strategy enabled the adequate administration of the workers who were different from each other by demographic adjustments. In this concept, they emphasized to make atmosphere in which associates can achieve their maximum potential to pursue organizational objectives. They comprised workers who have different characteristics from one another, and theses distinctions focused on visible and hidden elements (Seymen, 2006).   Cooke and Saini (2012) said that there are various disciplines included: psychology, human science and administration and research strategies like interviews, case studies and lab examinations that marked organizational diversity becomes an issue in concepts and processes of management. Diversity management is observed as a basic component for business accomplishment in Human Resource Management. The primary goal of diversity management is to make culturally diverse organizations in which people with different cultural backgrounds can contribute and can achieve higher potential. Diversity Management is considered as a superior methodology that focuses on admiring unique workers. A diverse workforce can maximize   the development of advanced products and services, improve market share, and enhance base of clients. Managers and human resources management need to develop various fruitful approaches to make culturally open environment in the workplace. Also, Human Resources managem ent should make an open and comprehensive culture-oriented environment, in which everybody helps each other to enroll, and they can show their talents. The three variations such as communication, team building, and time are essential elements to achieve good performance from employees. Organisations can provide cultural competence ability training includes familiarity with own cultures, knowledge about other societies, tolerance states toward social contrasts to mitigate cultural difference problems. It is very important for the managers and workers to ponder why culture-oriented environment is a cutthroat advantage, and how cultural differences are beneficial for better performance. HR has regular job to improve and manage cultural differences in corporations. For instance, they can develop fun games or intelligent recreations on qualities for associates in the workplace. They should support and provide suggestions to adopt another culture and maintain their own culture at the same time. HR should build diversity-based teams because social contrast can construct significant groups (Laurent, 2005). According to Ratna, Sethi, Abrol, Gupta Agrawal (2016), it is proposed that the level of learning of a cultural environment is an directly correlated with   HR systems and practices. There is an organization named as Golden Eagle Sagar, the combination of Golden Eagle and Sagar Inc., are confronting issues after combined because of insufficient decent variety administration. It is presumed that companies can utilize two methodologies that can do a good job to manage diverse workforce for instance i.e. training to employees, managers and other employees who work with diverse groups. Investigators examined social measurements, nature of any level of blended culture and significance of humanist factors in the employees of global companies in Africa. The outcomes demonstrated how this organization could enhance its HRM rules and regulations because of perceiving local cultural dimensions in the meantime as reconsidering some difficult problems such as remuneration. There is another situation of HRM supervisor in the bank of Quebec, Canada. The management of bank involved diverse workforce by expanding ethnic groups and cultural minority portrayal and by decreasing discrimination between employees. HRM methods should be planned and executed to encourage enrollment, selection, integration and growth of cultural diversity. In China. Chinese are affecting the HRM of Italian organizations. Rewards and Challenges Culturally diverse workforce has various benefits and consequences for the organizations. The first positive impact is that workers of different cultures have different experiences, thoughts and knowledge which is beneficial to examine any stuff or problem very easily in workplace. Another is, these corporation have great opportunity to spread their business in other nations because management can know about local customs, religions, rules and regulations of other counties by gaining knowledge and information from individual workers. For example, An American company which is trying to expand their business in India can get information about Indian governmental and state levels laws, tax and insurance regulations. Information about the different cultures can reduce the expenses of organization because concerned employees and leaders have in-house trainers and practitioners, so they can save time, money and energy. Culturally diverse workers are useful for the associations to grow busi ness from office to online commercial center. Diversity is helpful to maximize organizations recognitions, approaches, techniques, projection of new item, improvement of promoting plan, production of new thoughts, outline of new activities and appraisal of developing patterns.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Anthropology and Its Branches - 1728 Words

Anthropology is the study of human beings, in particular the study of their physical character, evolutionary history, racial classification, historical and present-day geographic distribution, group relationships, and cultural history. Anthropology can be characterized as the naturalistic description and interpretation of the diverse peoples of the world. Modern-day anthropology consists of two major divisions: cultural anthropology, which deals with the study of human culture in all its aspects; and physical anthropology, which is the study of human physical character, in both the past and present. Anthropology emerged as an independent science in the late 18th century, it developed two divisions: physical anthropology, which focuses on†¦show more content†¦For example, paintings on walls of tombs may throw light on the status of the person buried there. Such paintings often depict practices prevalent in a society. Study of burial sites can helparchaeologists understand the religious beliefs of a group of people. Biological Anthropology Biological anthropology, also known as physical anthropology, deals with tracing the biological origins, evolutionary changes, and the genetic diversity of the human species. In the process, biological anthropologists study primate behavior, and anatomical variations between primates and human beings in order to understand physical changes that have taken place in humans during their evolutionary journey from apes. They may also take up genetic analysis and anthropometric studies to find reasons behind the physical differences between people of various groups. Besides these major branches, anthropology also has other divisions like forensic anthropology, medical anthropology, and ecological anthropology. Although each branch is a specialized field of study, they are inter-related. This gives anthropologists an edge over researchers from other fields in addressing human problems, as they study human existence not in isolation but in totality. Evolution Of Man - What is it? The modern theory concerning the evolution of man proposes that humans and apes derive from an apelike ancestor that lived on earth a few million years ago. The theory states that man,Show MoreRelatedAnthropology Essay : The Importance Of Anthropology1622 Words   |  7 PagesThe Importance of Anthropology Anthropology is a scientific field that seems to be largely misunderstood by the general public. Many people hear the word â€Å"anthropology† and think of an old man with a magnifying glass looking at some dusty old fossils. In reality, anthropology is much more broad than archaeology, which people normally associate with it. Forms of anthropology are used in many aspects of daily life from advertising to law enforcement. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Human Brain and Philosophy Free Essays

As early as the 70s science had established right brain superiority at performing visual and spatial tasks, such as drawing three-dimensional shapes, and left brain specialization for language, speech, and problem solving. (Gazzaniga,1996). By 2005, Gazzaniga said scientific research has proved that the brain could insists on created belief. We will write a custom essay sample on The Human Brain and Philosophy or any similar topic only for you Order Now He said research findings tend to show that the left-hemisphere interpreter is not only a master of belief creation, but it will stick to its belief system no matter what. In this context the scientist in effect is also warning us that the brain could serve to make humans slaves of their philosophical or religious belief: Any time our left brain is confronted with information that does not jibe with our self-image, knowledge, or conceptual framework, our left-hemisphere interpreter creates a belief to enable all incoming information to make sense and mesh with our ongoing idea of our self. The interpreter seeks patterns, order, and causal relationships. (Gazzaniga, 2005). The implications for religion and philosophy are tremendous, but more striking with recent findings is that ancient philosophers without the aid of neuro-cognitive science research have long before seen some semblance of similarity with what science now is uncovering. Philosophy of the rationalist schools of thought expounded extensively on how we can perceive truths: through experience or by reason, and/or a combination of both. (Empiricism, Rationalism, or a mix of both thinking. ) The dialogue ranged from the point that reason determines knowledge to the extreme position that reason is the unique path to knowledge. Brain and Philosophy 2 But going even further back to ancient philosophy, Socrates expounded long ago on the Greek belief that the soul had an irrational and a rational side, and that the ideal would be to develop the rational dominating the irrational. The Platonic dictum of know thyself, is in effect the rational mastering the modern brain to mean man’s full potential. Descartes later also upheld reason and the scientific method, asserting that such empirical experiences such as dreams (among the experiential but unreliable illusionary reality) cannot determine reality. Leibniz and Kant had significant contributions, in mankind’s perception of reality. In trying to make sense of the many opinions on reality and experience, Leibniz at one point argued that the universal reality is the best that the Creator can make out of the universe—a case or sort of optimization — explanation that seemed to have tried to make sense out of the rational and empirical explanations of what the mind perceives as chaotic. Philosophy tries to make sense out of everything, using argument or reason — and experience, but as Socrates seemed to have proved long ago, we always ended up in the inquiry where we began. Ultimately what common source all these arguments come from is clearly the brain itself, whose physiology and functions are magnificently being unraveled by science. Ironically Gazzaniga seemed to be also warning us that what inhibits the unraveling is right there in our brains too, in the left hemisphere which resists the inconvenience of new findings that challenge our long held beliefs. . If we shall let the full flowering of the rational to proceed, as Plato and Socrates had long espoused, it looks like we’re the better for it. This unites the end of philosophy with what our scientists are trying to help us find out. (2005) Brain and Philosophy 3 References 1 Gazzanga,M. â€Å"Whole Brain Interpreter†: Science News, February 24, 1996. Retrieved October 15, 2008 http://pegasus. cc. ucf. edu/~fle/gazzaniga. html 2 Gazzanga,M. The Ethical Brain by Michael Gazzaniga . (Chicago. : Dana Press 2005) ,145-55. Retrieved October 15,2008 from http://www. press. uchicago. edu/Misc/Chicago/1932594019. html 3. Definitions of rationalism and empiricism used the Stanford encyclopedia Retrieved October 15,2008 http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/rationalism-emp How to cite The Human Brain and Philosophy, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Advantages Of CLassical Music free essay sample

Throughout history there have been several genres of music. It is an important aspect of every culture, helping to define and shape it across the globe. Varieties range from Hip-Hop to RB, Country, Gospel, and several others. One type of music that has produced countless numbers of classics is, Classical music. Classical music is a great choice for anyone who enjoys a mellower, relaxed sound. It has been known to soothe the soul, help concentration, and give a pleasant feeling to its listeners.The belief that classical music soothes the soul can be proven true through overall instances. The first is, unlike Rock or Rap music which are both theoretically a somewhat harsher sound, Classical music produces a relaxing melody. It also has a harmony that is unguarded of in contemporary Rock music, not to mention other genres. Another circumstance in which Classical music is used to soothe the soul is on the phone lines. We will write a custom essay sample on Advantages Of CLassical Music or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page When a company places one on hold, the music being played on the other end of the line is more than likely Classical.This is not a coincidence. The music choice is made due to the fact hat it relaxes the listener, creating a greater chance that he will remain on the line. Another belief is that Classical music aids in concentration. I have had several teachers throughout my life who strongly believe that listening to Classical music while studying greatly improves their odds of retaining knowledge. The harmony and soft sound that are produced through Classical music help null all outside noises and distractions, allowing one to concentrate more on the task at hand.It is also a given that it is easier to focus when listening to a after, mellower sound than a loud sharp noise which is often related to genres like Rap or Rock. The last belief is that Classical music is pleasant to listen to. The previous two beliefs alone should prove that it is pleasant to the mind. If that is not enough there are, indeed, several more examples of how classical music is pleasant to listen to. Classical music is strictly instrumental and lacks any vocals whatsoever. Much remains to be interpreted. This leaves a great amount of meaning to be found in the imagination of the listener.The music can mean anything to anyone and something completely different to the person in the next seat. That is the beauty of Classical music and one of the reasons it is so pleasant to the mind. Despite all the positives of Classical music, its popularity has oddly enough decreased in the past few decades. The emergence of Rock and Roll and more recently Rap music has left it on the back burner. Classical music will always remain a large part of musics past and hopefully present and future. It is an enjoyable, relaxing, and soothing genre that should be praised for generations.